5 Principles for a Buddhaful Life:
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Last Updated: 18 November 2020
5 Principles to Embrace that will Positively Propel us Towards a Buddhaful Life.
After meditating in the temple I started thinking about what a different world it would be if we all practiced the teachings of Buddha. There would be much less hunger and suffering if we all lived a Buddhaful life.
A Buddhaful Life is one of peaceful existence with all things. We have let go of our past, and are mindful of the present moment. We spend our lives with positive thoughts being helpful to others, and having compassion for the suffering of all.
Five Steps to Creating a Buddhaful Life
Let Go Of The Past:
Do not dwell on the past. Do not dream of the future. Keep your thoughts on the present moment. ~Buddha
Focusing your thoughts on the past leads to depression. Focusing on the future leads to anxiety. If you want to be at peace, focus your thoughts on the present. ~Zen Proverb
The past is gone, it is over, and there is nothing that we can do to change it. It doesn’t matter how many times we beat ourselves up over it, or try to relive it, the outcome will still be the same.
We can embrace quantum physics, and alternate realities as we contemplate a different outcome of our reality based on different actions taken, but here in this reality we didn’t choose a different response to our situation.
We must accept responsibility for our past actions, but we must not dwell on them with regret, and sorrow, as this will only bring us suffering. (Dukkha)
Learn from your past mistakes so that you don’t repeat them, but do not let them disrupt the present moment, or interrupt your journey into the future. There is a reason for everything. Don’t question it, just accept it, and move on.

Practice Mindfulness Daily:
Mindfulness is being fully aware of what we are doing in the present moment. We all have
monkey minds that lead our thoughts astray. Our thoughts most often dwell on memories of our past, or on worries about the future. We seldom focus our attention completely on what we are doing right now.
Thoughts of our past often consume us, leading to feelings of remorse and sorrow about our past mistakes. These feelings can only bring us suffering, (Dukkha) If we want to end our suffering we must be mindful of the present.
Being mindful means paying attention to what we are doing as we are doing it. When you walk from one room into another in your home pay attention to where you are going. Feel the floor touching your feet as you walk. Be mindful of your steps as you are walking, right, left, right, left.
When you leave your home be mindful as you walk to the door. Feel the door knob in your hand as you twist it to open it. Gaze upon the outside of your home, see the trees, smell the air, and hear the sounds that are all around you.
Walk through your doorway, and feel the door knob as you close the door behind you. Pay attention as you insert your key into the door lock as you secure your home.
Be mindful of your breath as you go about your daily activities. Feel yourself breathing in, and breathing out. Be conscious of your breath, whenever your thoughts are focused elsewhere, and you will always be mindful of the present moment.
You are in the present living, not in the past remembering, or in the future dreaming. Always be mindful of the present, and you will be at peace.
Be mindful of The Law of Karma:
We must always be mindful of the law of karma. The law of karma is also known as the law of cause and effect. If this happens, then that will happen. Because this is, that is. The law of karma is written in stone. There is no escape from its effects.
Our karmic actions will follow us throughout this lifetime, and into the next. If we cause harm to others through deceit, or theft these actions will come back to us.
Intention is everything in the realm of karma. Not all of our intentions turn out as planned. Sometimes our best intentions, and right actions lead to unintended results.
These unintended results though harmful to others do not count against us in our karmic portfolio. Our true intentions will always supersede the end result.
If our intention is to harm others, and our intention is successful, then we will cause harm to come upon others through our actions precipitated by the negative thoughts emanating from our minds.
However if we wish those same others good will, and happiness, these blessings will bring about the same positive results on ourselves.
We must always be mindful of our thoughts, and actions as they will inevitably create our karmic destiny.
Have Compassion For Others:
All beings suffer. Some suffer too little. Some suffer too much. ~Buddha
Nobody is perfect. Every one of us in the human realm of existence
(Samsara) is going through our own suffering, based on our past karmic actions in the past. We all have lessons to learn to reach enlightenment, and karmic retributions that need to be repaid.
No matter how agonizing you believe your life is, there is always someone who dreams of having your life. As difficult as it may be it is always good to step back from our perceived misery, and be mindful of the suffering of others.
If we can help to relieve the suffering of others, we should embrace the opportunity to do so. Having compassion for others will build our karmic destiny, and create a more positive karmic future for us as well.
If we caused harm to them in a past life, than our interaction with them in this one is meant for karmic retribution. If we assist them the best we can, than our karmic debt will be repaid.
All things are impermanent:
All conditioned things are impermanent. When one sees this with wisdom, one turns away from suffering. ~Buddha Nothing is permanent, everything will change eventually. Our relationships, our thoughts about the nature of reality, and even our physical bodies are impermanent.
Four Noble Truths teaches us that desire, and attachment are the cause of our suffering. When we understand that all of the things that we desire are impermanent, than it becomes easier to let go of our attachment to them.
Letting go of our attachments will lead us to the path of enlightenment. One who has an enlightened mind understands the law of impermanence, and refuses to allow themselves to feel dissatisfaction, or discontent upon failure to acquire that which they desire.
Entering into the
Hypnagogic state will aid us on our journey to the enlightenment we all seek.
Your desires are all impermanent. Do not embrace your attachment to them, let them go.
Let go of your attachments, and embrace nirvana.
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